Sri Jagannath

The principal deity of Sri Jagannath Temple or Sri Mandir is Lord Jagannath. Though He is primarily worshipped as Vishnu or the Purusottama, He is also perceived as Bhairava or Siva by the Shaivites, Dakhina Kalika by the Shaktas and Rama, Krishna, Nrusimha by the Vaishnavas. Devotees of different sects regard Lord Jagannath as their supreme Lord and attribute all the mark of God in Him. Famous Gurus who were ardent devotees of the Lord are Adi Sankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Guru Nanak, Madhwacharya, Ballavacharya, Nimbark, Sankara Dev, Kabir Das, Tulsi Das etc. However the entrance into the Sri Jagannath Temple is restricted to orthodox Hindus only. But everyone can have a glimpse of the deities once in a year during Rath Yatra (Car Festival) when they come out of the temple to visit Gundicha Temple in three decorated wooden chariots.

The Antiquity of Jagannath Mahaprabhu

There’s a couplet in Rigveda, the most ancient text of the world which was written probably four thousand years ago – Ado Yaddaru Plavate Sindhoh Pare AparushamTada Rabhasva Durjano Tena Gachha Parastram Sayanacharya, a saint who flourished in the 14th century had interpreted these lines in this way, There exists in the sea shore in… read more »

Car Festival of Lord Jagannath – Engineering details

In the case of the Car Festival of Lord Jagannāth, the collection of wood on Basanta Pañcamī (Jan-Feb) in the month of Māgha indicates the sacred beginning of the ceremony. Timbers for building the Car used to come from Dasapalla, a princely state of Orissa, but after the integration of States within Orissa in 1948,… read more »

Rites and Rituals of the Car Festival of Lord Jagannath

According to the Padma Purāṇa, the Car festival ought to take place on the Śukla Dvitīyā of the month Āṣāḍha when the predominant star is Puṣyā. If it so happens that on the Śukla Dvitīyā, Puṣyā does not join the constellation, this exception may be neglected and the Ratha Jātrā be observed. The Car festival… read more »
