
According to Skanda Purana, “Lord Vishnu in Purusottama Kshetra performs the Lilas (activities) like a man.” He is not just a man. He is the best of all men (Purusottama). He is also King of Kings (Rajadhiraja) as well as God of Gods (Devadhideva). So his daily rituals are not just like a common man’s, but like an Emperor’s. The details of the rituals of the Temple are recorded in the Record of Rights prepared at the time of passing a special act for the Jagannath Temple of Puri (Sri Mandir). A Ritual or Niti signifies a particular type of religious rite.

The following rituals (Nitis) are observed daily in the Sri Mandir in the service and worship of the deities.

Dwaraphita- Opening of the temple doors.

Mangala Arati- Auspicious waving of lamps.

Mailama- Change of dress, flowers etc.

Abakasa- Brushing of teeth, bathing and dressing

Mailama- Deities change their dress and wear another set.

Sahanamela- Devotees are allowed to enter inside the main temple and touch the ratnavedi. They can have a closer view of the deities. However they are not allowed to touch the deities.

Beshalagi- Deities again dress up.

Rosha Homa- Fire sacrifice is done in the temple kitchen before cooking of food starts.

Surya Puja- Worship of the Sun God.

Dwarapala Puja- Worship of the divine gatekeepers at the Jaya-Vijaya gate of the main temple.

Gopal Ballav Bhoga- Offering of breakfast to the deities.

Sakal Dhupa- Morning puja of the deities.

Mailama- After the morning puja, the deities again change their clothes.

Bhoga Mandap Bhoga- Puja takes place in Bhoga Mandap where huge quantities of Bhog such as rice, dal, curries, cakes of different kind etc. are offered to the deities.

Madhyahnna Dhupa- Afternoon puja is done and mid-day meal is offered to the deities.

Madhyahnna Pahuda- Deities retire for the afternoon nap. Doors of the main temple remains closed.

Sandhya Arati- Evening light offering

Sandhya Dhupa- Evening puja with offering of Bhog in lesser number and quantity.

Mailama- Deities again change their clothes.

Chandan Lagi- Deities are anointed with sandalwood paste mixed with camphor, saffron and musk.

Badasimhara Vesa- Deities are dressed in a special manner. They wear silken clothes woven with slokas of Gita Govinda of Poet Jayadev. They also wear flowers, flower garlands and floral head gear.

Badasimhara Dhupa- Night puja of the deities with offering of Bhog.

Khata Sejalagi and Pahuda- Deities retire to their beds. Main doors of the temple are locked.

Apart from the above rituals, on specific festive days, additional rituals are performed. As a result, changes in timing and alterations in the routine rituals are made.
