
King Indradyumna’s arrival at Purusottama Kshetra

King Indradyumna of the prosperous city-state Avanti had been in quest of a most appropriate way to worship Lord Sri Hari whose providence includes both Bhoga and Mokshya [worldly pleasure as well as liberation]. Initially, he considered the ways mentioned in Tantra, Agama, Vedanga, Purana [myths], Itihasa [history] and the ones shown by sages. Accordingly,… read more »

Nilgiri Hill – the door to Heaven

The importance of making pilgrimages to holy places is known to all. However, the divine favor a person is sure to get by visiting the Nilgiri Hill is doubtlessly rarest, since it gives liberation from the worldly bondage and sometimes with the grace of Lord Purusottama, it even qualifies a person to go to heaven… read more »

King Ratnagriva and the mysterious Blue Mountain

King Ratnagriva of Kanchi had always cherished the desire to make pilgrimages to extremely sacred places. When a Brahmin came to his court and told him about the holy Nilgiri Hill [Blue Mountain] and Lord Purusottama, the king implored upon him to guide him to that place. The Brahmin agreed and together they set out… read more »
