Sri Mandir

The temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri is popularly called as Sri Mandir. Sri means Lakshmi- the energy consort of Lord Jagannath. Hence the temple is called as Sri Mandir (abode of Sri or Goddess Lakshmi).

Puri as a place of Pilgrimage and Lal Moharia Panda

  [Image Source:] The Temple of Shri Jagannatha in Puri is considered as one of the premiere places of pilgrimage in Hindu cosmology and a principal salvation centre, Mokshyapuri of the Hindus. Alternatively known with various names like Purusottamkshetra, Neelachal etc., Puri is one of the four Dhamas in India. A Dhama in common… read more »

Kshetrapala of Srikshetra and his temple at Sri Mandir

Kshetrapala is a guardian deity in Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism. According to Hinduism and Hindu mythology, Kshetrapala, that is, the lord of the farmland is a deity who was originally a deity of the farmland. Over a period of time, Kshetrapala became a generic name applied to deities associated with a piece or parcel of… read more »

Tradition of Ritual functionaries (Sevak) in Shri Jagannath Temple, Puri

The greatest mystery that has baffled scholars through centuries is Shri Jagannath, its complex ritual system, persons associated with the rituals, culinary system and lot more. Religions like Jainism, Buddhism, Tantrism, Saivism etc. claim Shri Jagannath as representative of their own religion. But paradoxically He has transcended all religious doctrine. Shri Jagannath Chetana constitutes an… read more »
