Sri Mandir

The temple of Lord Jagannath at Puri is popularly called as Sri Mandir. Sri means Lakshmi- the energy consort of Lord Jagannath. Hence the temple is called as Sri Mandir (abode of Sri or Goddess Lakshmi).

Garuda Pillar

There are four sections of the temple, namely, the Bhogamandapa (refectory), the Natamandira (Hall for dance), Jagamohana (the porch) and the Deula (main temple). In the Natamandira (the place for dance and music) there is a pillar known as “Garuda Stambha” on the top of which Garuda, the carrier of Narayana is seated with folded… read more »


Nila Cakra is placed on the upper most part of the Temple (Deul). Its colour is green (Nila) and it is a sphere (Cakra). Hence it is known as Nilacakra. The Cakra stands for the symbol of Visnu Temple. As per the Hindu Philosophy Cakras are to be placed on the head of Visnu Temple,… read more »

Sunia – an important festival of Puri Dham

Sunia, a Hindu festival in Odisha, is rich with high religious, cultural and historical significance. Although there are two opinions regarding how the festival got its name, the first one seems more convincing. According to it, the term Sunia is a combination of the prefix su- meaning ‘good’ and verb nia- meaning ‘taking’. The ‘giving… read more »
