How the Tank Sweta Ganga got its name

The story below is from Brahma Purana and relates the background of the holy tank called Sweta Ganga in Puri, justifies its importance and thereby highlights the sanctity of Purusottama Kshetra

There was a pious, intelligent and strong king in Satya Yuga who observed Vratas with strictest sincerity. The life expectancy of the people in his kingdom was about ten thousand years and they lived happily under his rule.

However, once a baby in his kingdom died. It was the son of a holy saint named Kapala Gautama. The baby died even before he had grown teeth in its mouth. The saint took the dead child to the king. And the king vowed to bring it back to life. He even decided to burn himself alive if he failed in doing so in only seven days. He worshipped Lord Shiva with a hundred thousand blue lotuses and began chanting the names of the Lord. Pleased with his devotion and determination the Lord appeared before him. Then the king requested him to restore the baby to life and bless it with a fair life span. His wish was soon granted.

The king continued to rule his kingdom for thousands of years. He once decided to go to the holy Purusottama Kshetra for a visit. He had a beautiful temple built near the Sri Jagannath temple and an idol of Sweta Madhava made [another name of Lord Vishnu] with white stones. He had it installed in the newly built temple, strictly following the rules of worship mentioned in the scriptures. He offered Dana [donation] to Brahmins, orphans and sages and then prostrated in front of the idol of Sweta Madhava.

Thereafter, he observed silence and fasted for a month and chanted the twelve lettered mantra and sang the glory of the Lord. His dedication finally bore fruit and Lord Shri Hari appeared before him. The Lord said that He was pleased with the king who had superior mental faculty and had not committed any sin throughout his life. He wanted to gratify any of his wishes and asked the king to say what he really wanted.

The king wanted the Lord to take him to Vaikuntha Dham – a region which is on a higher plane than Brahma Loka and is said to be a place pure, perennial and devoid of any kind of attachment and Raja-guna [the elements that create desires of action, passion, excitement etc.]. The Lord gave him word that his desire would be materialized. He also said that the tank near the Sweta Madhava idol would be called Sweta Ganga and dropping on someone just a droplet from Sweta Ganga will qualify him to go to heaven. And those who see and pray Lord Sweta Madhava near the tank will attain a blissful state after their death.
