Importance of ‘Chaturmasya Vrata’ in Purusottama Kshetra

This is an extract of Skanda Purana which depicts the importance of “Chaturmasya Vrata” along with the procedure to observe the rituals before and after it. The word “Chaturmasya” basically suggests “Four Months” specifically the period from 11th day of the bright fortnight of the month of “Ashaadha” to the 11th day of the bright fortnight of the month of “Kartika” during which the Sun is in the zodiac of Cancer. However, slight alterations take place in the period if the “Mala Masa” {Extra Month} falls in that time. These four months are considered to be most favorable for the worship of Lord Hari, since He goes into a slumber that makes this period sacred. Therefore, it is imperative for the devotees to spend the said time in the Purusottama Kshetra.

With due devotion, the observation of the ritual must commence on the day of the 11th day of the bright fortnight of the month of “Ashaadha” otherwise known as “Ashaadha Purnima”. The preceding rituals of this vrata feature the due worship of the savior Lord Madhusudan{Vishnu} along with some peripheral ones and an important prayer meaning “O Lord! It is by your mercy that I am willing to undertake this vrata and pray to you to bless me for its successful completion even if hindrances like my death occur.” This prayer formally starts the vrata and the people doing it must spend these four months concentrating upon Lord Vishnu. At the end of each of the months a partially concluding ritual called ‘Parana” must be observed in which they must feed Brahmins several sweet dishes after a due worship of the Lord of the Universe, in order to earn the favor and blessings of Lord Sri Krishna. If for some reason they fail to perform “Parana” in the said time, they can do it on Kartika Purnima. After worshipping Lord Jagannath on this day they must please Him by offering ghee into the sacred fire. Thereafter they must offer sweets to Brahmins and give them money or gold.

There are certain cardinal rules to be followed by the devotees during the Chaturmasya Vrata. Sleeping on wooden beds or any of the other similar raised platforms is strictly forbidden. Any kind of oil massage, afternoon siesta and telling lies are also prohibited. They must abstain from sex during this period. They should also say no to meat, alcohol, eatables from other people’s houses and certain vegetables namely eggplants, pointed gourds and radish. Consumption of lentil and white mustard is also not permitted. Green leaf, black gram, horse gram, curd and ashu dhanya( a type of rice) must be discarded from the regular diet during this period. They must walk barefoot all through the period, since the use of shoes is not permitted even if the devotee is a king. If one fails to complete the vrata adhering to the above mentioned rules, the resultant sin can be undone by re-observing the vrata during the month of Kartika.

The result one is entitled to get after the successful completion of this vrata exceeds that of all other vratas. One day spent in the company of Lord Hari during the Chaturmasya in the Purusottama Kshetra guarantees divine blessings that is equal to the merits earned by performing several vratas in the holy city of Kashi. A man obtains the results of performing thousands of “ Ashwamedha Yagnas” if he spends only a few days of these four months, with a pure heart, near Lord Jagannath in Purusottama Kshetra. Taking holy dips in the sea and visiting Lord Purusottama during this period frees one from all kinds of sorrows. The worst sinners are forgiven, all wishes are granted and the devotee goes to heaven leading a long life with the blessings earned by observing this special vrata.

It should be noted that a man gets no result from this vrata if he performs it without any devotion. Devotion to Lord Hari alone can give all those results obtained from infinite pilgrimages, all yagnas, daanas(charities) and other kinds of satvik deeds.
