Ekamra Nagar – its origin and connection with Purusottama Kshetra

Near almost all places [Kshetra] of Lord Vishnu, there is a Shiva temple. Ekamra Nagara near Purusottama Kshetra is a Shiva Khsetra. There is a description in Skanda Purana on these two sacred places.

Once, the king Indradyumna was going to Purusottama Kshetra to fulfil his desire to see Lord Nilamadhava. Narada was accompanying him to this sacred place. On the way, after taking rest at the bank of the river Mahanadi, they resumed their journey and soon found themselves going through a forest called Ekamra Vana. The king heard the sounds of conch and bells from a distance and asked Narada to tell him the reason behind the sounds. Narada told him that the area they were in was near to a sacred Shiva Kshetra and told him a story to explain to him how it became so.

Once Lord Shiva sang the glory of Lord Purusottama [Vishnu]. Vishnu became pleased at this and instructed Him to go with Goddess Parvati to reside in the beautiful Ekamra forest on the north of Nilachala Kshetra situated near the south sea [Nilachala Kshetra stretched from the river Chitrotpala to the sea and extends over an area of 10 Yojana]. He also said that Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe, will anoint Lord Shiva in that place as the Lord of crores of Lingams. Lord Shiva then moved to Ekamra Vana and Lord Brahma consecrated Him there and the area became a famous Shiva Kshetra.

Indradyumna along with Narada and the royal army reached Ekamra Vana. There the king worshipped Lord Purusottama on the bank of the Bindu Tirtha. Then he duly worshipped the Tribhubaneswar Lingam. Then he stood meditating upon Lord Shankara[Shiva]. Shankara, pleased with his prayer, said to the king that his long cherished wish was soon going to be fulfilled. Shankara also said to Narada that the king, as per the instruction of Lord Brahma, has an important job to perform in Nilachala Kshetra and instructed him to take the king to that holy place. ”Now the Nilamadhava, the idol of Lord Vishnu, has disappeared”, said Lord Shankara “Since Lord Vishnu has ordained me in eight different forms for the protection of this Holy Purusottama Kshetra, I reside along with Goddess Durga at the foremost part of the conch shaped Kshetra . Now I order you to install the idol of Lord Nrusimha in there. King Indradyumna will perform 1000 Ashwamedha Yagnas there. At the end of the Yagna, show the king that miraculous Bramha Swarupa tree [Lord Almighty in the form of a divine tree]. Then Vishwakarma will carve out four idols from that tree and Lord Brahma will install the idols in a temple. Having a darshan of those idols, the king’s wish will be fulfilled.”
